How does Broadway from Home work?
It's a digital theater workshop! Students act and sing in groups with encouragement
and training from teachers including Broadway performers.
All you need is an internet connection, and computer, tablet or smartphone.

Sign up for classes
Browse our classes
and courses and sign up
to kick-off your digital
acting experience!
Sign up here!

Receive class information
Be on the look out for an email with your Zoom meeting information, role and lines to get familiar with your part.

Prepare for your class
Be sure to set up your computer in a place with
room for you to perform and download the Zoom app.
Learn more!

Join the class & begin acting!
Log into the meeting and begin acting out your favorite scenes with your digital peers. It's your time to shine!

Join the cast today
and start acting out your favorite scenes!
With so many of us staying home right now, let's keep acting, singing, and finding joy through theater!